In its most basic form, coordinated entry is housing-focused and designed to quickly connect families experiencing a housing crisis with housing and housing-related resources as efficiently and effectively as possible. It standardizes the assessment process across local providers, and coordinates the referral for resources (such as prevention services, transitional housing, rapid re-housing, permanent supportive housing, emergency shelter, and case management) in a way that incorporates participant choice, and allows communities to prioritize scarce resources towards the most vulnerable community members.
The Coordinated Entry process is available to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, familial status, disability, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. All persons experiencing chronic homelessness, veterans, families with children, youth, and survivors of domestic violence, will all have fair and equal access to the Coordinated Entry system.
2023 DuPage County Coordinated Entry System Written Standards (PDF)
DuPage County CoC COVID-19 Rehousing Response
Coordinated Entry System Documents:
- Participating Project Criteria and Contacts 1-11-24
- Housing Prescreen Tool with Instructions
- Pre-Screen Verbal Tool
- Client Overview Sheet
- Transfer Policy
- Score Adjustment Request Form
- CoC Help Flyer English
- CoC Help Flyer Spanish
Coordinated Entry Data Comparisons: